Welcome to our parent education session on the fascinating topic of “When Do Kids Start Losing Teeth?” During this session, we will explore the timeline and process of tooth loss in children, shedding light on an essential aspect of their dental development. Understanding when and how children’s teeth transition from baby teeth to permanent teeth can help parents support their child’s oral health journey effectively.
We will delve into the stages of tooth eruption and shedding, discussing the significance of primary teeth and the emergence of permanent teeth.
We will also touch upon the factors that can influence the timing of tooth loss, such as genetics, dental hygiene, and overall oral health. Additionally, we will provide practical tips and guidance on how to best care for your child’s teeth during this exciting phase.
By the end of this session, you will gain valuable insights into the age range at which children typically begin losing their teeth, the sequence of tooth loss, and how to promote good oral hygiene habits to ensure a smooth transition to permanent teeth.
We encourage you to actively participate, ask questions, and share your experiences to make this session engaging and informative for everyone.
Let’s embark on this enlightening journey into the world of children’s dental development and discover the wonders of tooth loss together!
Stages Of Human Growth
Human growth is a continuous process that occurs throughout life, but it can be broadly divided into several stages with distinct characteristics. Here’s a brief explanation of the different growth stages and the body parts that undergo significant changes during each stage:
INFANCY AND EARLY CHILDHOOD: This stage spans from birth to around five years of age. During this period, there is rapid growth and development in various body parts, including:
Head: The head grows in proportion to the rest of the body.
Brain: Rapid brain development occurs, laying the foundation for cognitive and motor skills.
Limbs: Arms and legs lengthen and become more coordinated. Teeth: Primary (baby) teeth begin to erupt.
CHILDHOOD: Childhood extends from around six to twelve years of age. During this period, overall growth continues at a steady pace. Key body parts that undergo significant changes include:
Height: Children experience a noticeable increase in height.
Teeth: Baby teeth are gradually replaced by permanent teeth.
Skeletal System: Bones continue to grow and develop, becoming stronger.
ADOLESCENCE: Adolescence is a transitional phase between childhood and adulthood, usually occurring between the ages of 10 and 19. It is characterized by significant growth spurts and the onset of sexual maturation. Notable changes include:
Puberty: Secondary sexual characteristics develop, such as breast development in females and facial hair growth in males.
Height: Rapid growth in height occurs, particularly during early adolescence.
Reproductive Organs: The reproductive system matures, and menstruation begins in females, while males experience voice deepening and testicular growth.
Muscle Development: Muscle mass increases, and body shape changes.
ADULTHOOD: Adulthood typically begins around the age of 20 and continues throughout life. Although growth in height is complete, other aspects of development continue, such as:
Cognitive Abilities: Brain development and intellectual capacities continue to evolve.
Body Composition: Muscle mass and bone density may change due to lifestyle factors and aging.
Reproductive System: Fertility and reproductive functions may fluctuate and eventually decline.
Overall Health: Maintaining and optimizing health becomes crucial during adulthood.
It’s important to note that growth rates and patterns can vary among individuals due to factors such as genetics, nutrition, and overall health. Additionally, physical and cognitive development are interconnected, contributing to the overall growth and maturation of an individual.
But for the sake of our topic of discussion, we would focus on the infancy and childhood stages, as these are the major stages in human life where the drama of natural teeth loss occurs.
Types Of The Human Teeth
Human teeth can be categorized into four main types, each with a specific function and location within the mouth. Here’s a brief overview:
Incisors: Incisors are the four front teeth in both the upper and lower jaws. They have a flat and sharp edge, resembling a chisel. Incisors are responsible for biting into and cutting food. They play a crucial role in the initial stages of chewing and speech production.
Canines: Canines, also known as cuspids or eyeteeth, are the sharp, pointed teeth on either side of the incisors. There are two canines in each jaw. Canines are
designed for tearing and gripping food, helping to hold and tear it apart. They have long roots and provide stability to the dental arches.
Premolars (Bicuspids): Premolars are located behind the canines. Most adults have eight premolars, with two on each side of the upper and lower jaws. Premolars have flat surfaces with one or two cusps, making them ideal for grinding and chewing food. These teeth assist in breaking down the food into smaller pieces before it reaches the molars.
Molars: Molars are the largest and strongest teeth, situated at the back of the mouth. Most adults have twelve molars, with three on each side of the upper and lower jaws. Molars have broad and flat surfaces with multiple cusps, which facilitate grinding and crushing food for digestion. They play a vital role in the final stages of chewing.
First Molars: The first molars appear at the back of the mouth, usually around six years of age in the primary dentition (baby teeth), and around six to seven years in the permanent dentition. They do not replace any primary teeth.
Second Molars: The second molars are positioned behind the first molars. They erupt during early adolescence in the permanent dentition, usually around twelve to thirteen years of age.
Third Molars (Wisdom Teeth): The third molars, commonly known as wisdom teeth, are the last teeth to erupt. They usually appear in late adolescence or early adulthood, often between the ages of 17 and 25. However, not everyone develops wisdom teeth, and they may need to be extracted if they cause problems such as impaction or overcrowding.
Teeth Formation In Kids
Primary Teeth (Baby Teeth): Children typically have 20 primary teeth, also known as baby teeth. These teeth start erupting around six months of age and continue until the age of three. The eruption pattern varies, but the front teeth (central incisors) are usually the first to appear. By the age of three, most children have a full set of primary teeth.
Primary teeth serve several important functions:
They help children with chewing and speech development.
They hold space in the jaw for permanent teeth to erupt correctly. Also, they contribute to a child’s appearance and self-esteem.
They aid in the development of jawbones and facial muscles.
It’s crucial to take care of primary teeth by:
Brush them with a soft toothbrush and water (no toothpaste) as soon as they erupt.
Introducing fluoride toothpaste (pea-sized amount) after the age of two, with parental supervision.
Avoid putting babies to bed with a bottle containing milk, juice, or any sugary liquids, as it can lead to tooth decay (known as baby bottle tooth decay).
Limiting sugary snacks and drinks to prevent cavities.
Baby teeth start to fall out around the age of six, making way for permanent teeth.
Mixed Dentition Stage: During the mixed dentition stage, children have both primary and permanent teeth. The first permanent teeth to erupt are usually the first molars, around the age of six. They often erupt behind the last primary molars, giving rise to the term “6-year molars.”
This stage is critical for maintaining good oral hygiene:
Parents should help children brush their teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Flossing should be introduced once the teeth start touching each other.
Regular dental check-ups are essential to monitor the eruption and alignment of permanent teeth and identify any potential issues.
Permanent Teeth: Between the ages of six and 13, children gradually lose their primary teeth as permanent teeth erupt. The process begins with the lower front teeth, followed by the upper front teeth, premolars, canines, and finally, the second molars.
Proper Care of Permanent Teeth
Regular brushing (at least twice a day) and flossing.
A balanced diet that is rich in calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins.
Limiting sugary foods and beverages.
Wearing protective gear, such as mouthguards, during sports activities to prevent dental injuries.
The Orthodontic Treatment: Some children may require orthodontic treatment to correct bite issues, tooth misalignment, or overcrowding. Orthodontic evaluations typically occur between the ages of 7 and 9, as it allow orthodontists to identify any potential problems and plan for future treatment if necessary.
Orthodontic treatment options may include:
Braces: Traditional metal or ceramic brackets attached to the teeth.
Clear aligners: Transparent, removable aligners (e.g., Invisalign) for mild to moderate alignment issues.
Other appliances: Headgear, retainers, or expanders, depending on the specific needs of the child.
When Do Kids Start Losing Teeth?

Timeline of Tooth Loss: The process of losing baby teeth, also known as primary teeth, and transitioning to permanent teeth is a natural and exciting milestone in a child’s dental development. The timeline for tooth loss can vary from child to child, but here is a general sequence:
Around six years of age: The lower central incisors (bottom front teeth) are usually the first to become loose and fall out. This is often followed by the upper central incisors.
Between six and eight years of age: The lateral incisors, located on either side of the central incisors, start to become loose and may be lost.
Around nine to twelve years of age: The first molars, which are the larger teeth at the back of the mouth, typically begin to loosen and fall out.
From ten to twelve years of age: The canines and premolars start to become loose and may be lost.
Between twelve and fourteen years of age: The second molars, located behind the first molars, are usually the last baby teeth to be lost.
It’s important to note that these ages are approximate, and the timing of tooth loss can vary among individuals. Some children may experience earlier or later tooth loss based on factors such as genetics, overall growth and development, and oral health.
Process of Tooth Loss
The process of losing baby teeth typically involves a series of stages:
Loosening: As permanent teeth develop and push against the roots of the primary teeth, the roots gradually dissolve, causing the baby teeth to become loose.
Wiggling: Children often notice the looseness of their teeth and may enjoy wiggling them with their tongues or fingers. It’s important to encourage gentle wiggling to avoid premature removal or injury.
Falling Out: Once the roots have dissolved sufficiently, the baby teeth will naturally fall out. This can happen while eating, brushing, or even spontaneously.
Eruption of Permanent Teeth: After a baby tooth is lost, the underlying permanent tooth gradually moves into position and emerges through the gums. It may take some time for the permanent tooth to fully erupt and settle into its final position.
Factors Influencing Tooth Loss:
Various factors can influence the process of tooth loss in children:
Genetics: The timing and sequence of tooth loss can be influenced by genetic factors inherited from parents.
Overall Growth and Development: Tooth loss is closely linked to the overall growth and development of a child’s body. The eruption of permanent teeth is coordinated with skeletal development.
Oral Health: Maintaining good oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, can contribute to healthy teeth and gums. Healthy teeth are more likely to fall out naturally and allow proper eruption of permanent teeth.
Caring for Children’s Teeth during Tooth Loss | A Guide For Parents
During the stages of tooth loss, it is essential to maintain good oral hygiene habits and provide appropriate care:
Regular Brushing and Flossing: Encourage your child to brush their teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and to floss between teeth that are in contact.
Gentle Handling of Loose Teeth: Advise your child to avoid forcefully pulling out loose teeth, as this can cause pain or lead to complications. Let the teeth fall out naturally.
Healthy Diet: Provide a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, including calcium and vitamins, to support healthy
The process of losing baby teeth and transitioning to permanent teeth is an exciting and natural milestone in a child’s dental development. While the timeline for tooth loss can vary among children, it generally begins around the age of six with the lower central incisors being the first to become loose.
The sequence continues over several years, involving different types of teeth until the second molars are typically the last baby teeth to be lost.
It is important to remember that the age at which children start losing their teeth can differ based on individual factors such as genetics, overall growth development, and oral health.
Encouraging good oral hygiene practices, maintaining regular dental check-ups, and providing a balanced diet can contribute to healthy teeth and support the natural process of tooth loss.
As parents, it is essential to be supportive, provide guidance, and celebrate this milestone with your kids. By understanding the stages of tooth loss and practicing proper dental care, we can help ensure the smooth transition from baby teeth to a healthy set of permanent teeth, setting the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health.
Frequently Asked Questions
A child’s baby teeth (primary teeth) typically begin to loosen and fall out to make room for permanent teeth at about age 6. However, sometimes this can be delayed by as much as a year.
Around the age of six, your child will start losing their baby teeth. The lower and upper front teeth are typically the first to go. The first permanent molars, which are the first major adult teeth to erupt, do so next. The final baby tooth often falls out at the age of 12.
Around age 6, a child’s baby teeth (primary teeth) start to deteriorate and fall out to make place for permanent teeth. This can, however, occasionally be postponed by up to a year.
Once a baby’s tooth becomes loose, it usually takes a few weeks to a few months for it to fall out naturally. However, each child is different, and the timing can vary.
It is common for children to experience some mild discomfort or soreness when a tooth is loose or about to fall out. However, severe pain or persistent discomfort may indicate an underlying issue, and it’s best to consult a dentist in such cases.
If your child accidentally swallows a baby tooth, there’s generally no cause for concern. Baby teeth are small and typically pass through the digestive system without any issues. However, if you have concerns or if your child swallowed a larger object along with the tooth, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional for further guidance.
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/childrens-health/expert-answers/baby-teeth/
- https://kidsteethofky.com/blog/when-do-children-start-losing-baby-teeth-a-complete-guide
- https://pediatricdentistkerrville.com/when-do-kids-start-losing-teeth/