How Hard Is It To Learn Coding For Kids?

In today’s digital age, coding has become an essential skill for children to learn. However, many parents and teachers are unsure about how difficult it is for kids to learn coding.

Coding is somewhat complex but it requires work and good attention coupled with practical steps and projects to be successful.

During our Demo Day for coding and robotics BootCamp, the kids explored how fast they could learn coding. Some of the parents that came for the

In this article, we will explore the different factors that affect the difficulty of learning coding for kids, the programming languages and tools available for them, and some tips for parents and teachers to help kids learn coding.

Tools and Resources for Learning Coding for Kids:

Many tools and resources are available for kids to learn coding, such as online coding courses, coding games, and coding apps. These tools are designed to make learning coding fun and engaging for children of all ages.

Tips for Parents and Teachers to Help Kids Learn Coding:

Parents and teachers can play an essential role in helping kids learn coding. They can encourage and motivate children to learn coding, provide them with access to quality learning resources, and offer them support and guidance throughout the learning process.

Learning coding can be a challenging but rewarding experience for kids. While it may be difficult at first, with the right guidance and motivation, any child can learn to code and develop valuable skills that will serve them well in the future. Encouraging kids to learn coding early is an investment in their future and will help them thrive in the digital world.

Benefits Of Learning Coding For Kids

Learning coding provides numerous benefits for kids. Here are some of the key advantages of learning coding:

1. Develops Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

Coding requires children to think logically and solve complex problems.

By learning to code, kids develop critical thinking skills that help them analyze and break down problems into smaller, more manageable parts.

They learn to identify patterns and use logic to find solutions, which is a valuable skill that can be applied in all areas of life.

2. Boosts Creativity and Innovation

Coding is a creative process that involves designing and building digital solutions. By learning to code, kids can express their creativity and build things that they can be proud of.

They learn to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to problems, which helps them develop their creativity and innovation skills.

3. Encourages Teamwork and Collaboration

Coding is often a collaborative process that involves working with others to build software and digital solutions.

By learning to code, kids develop teamwork and collaboration skills, which are essential in today’s interconnected world.

They learn to work with others, communicate effectively, and share ideas to achieve a common goal.

4. Opens up Future Career Opportunities

Coding is a highly sought-after skill in the job market, and the demand for skilled coders is only increasing. By learning to code at a young age, kids can set themselves up for future career success in the tech industry.

Even if they don’t pursue a career in coding, the skills they learn through coding can be applied in many other fields.

5. Provides a Fun and Engaging Learning Experience

Learning to code can be a fun and engaging experience for kids. There are many coding games, apps, and tools available that make learning to code a fun and enjoyable process.

By making coding fun, kids are likelier to stick with it and develop a love for coding that will last a lifetime.

In conclusion, learning coding provides numerous benefits for kids. It develops critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and innovation skills, opens up future career opportunities, and provides a fun and engaging learning experience.

Encouraging kids to learn to code is an investment in their future and can help set them up for success in the digital age.

Factors That Affect The Difficulty Of Learning Coding For Kids

The difficulty level of learning coding depends on various factors, such as age, previous experience with technology, and the programming language being learned.

Younger children may find it harder to learn coding as it requires abstract thinking and problem-solving skills that are still developing.

Older children who have already been exposed to technology and are comfortable using computers may find it easier to learn coding.

Here are some of the most important factors to consider:


Age can play a significant role in how difficult it is for kids to learn coding. Younger children may find it harder to learn coding as it requires abstract thinking and problem-solving skills that are still developing.

However, older children who have already been exposed to technology and are comfortable using computers may find it easier to learn coding.

2. Previous Experience with Technology

Children who have had prior experience with technology may find it easier to learn coding. Kids who are comfortable using computers, tablets, and smartphones may have an easier time learning coding as they are already familiar with how digital devices work.

3. Programming Language

The programming language being learned can also impact how difficult it is for kids to learn coding.

Block-based programming languages like Scratch and Blockly are generally easier to learn for younger children as they use visual blocks to represent code.

In contrast, text-based programming languages like Python and JavaScript may be more suitable for older children who have a more advanced understanding of programming.

4. Learning Environment

The learning environment can also impact how difficult it is for kids to learn coding. If the learning environment is engaging, supportive, and encourages experimentation, kids may find it easier to learn coding.

On the other hand, if the learning environment is rigid, boring, or stressful, kids may find it harder to learn coding.

Motivation and Support

Finally, motivation and support can play a critical role in how difficult it is for kids to learn coding. If kids are motivated to learn coding and have support from parents, teachers, or peers, they may find it easier to learn coding.

However, if they lack motivation or do not receive adequate support, they may find it harder to learn coding.

Several factors can impact how difficult it is for kids to learn coding, including age, previous experience with technology, programming language, learning environment, and motivation and support.

Parents and teachers can help make coding easier for kids by selecting the right programming language, creating a supportive learning environment, and providing motivation and support throughout the learning process.

Programming Languages For Kids

When it comes to programming languages for kids, there are several options available. Here are some of the most popular programming languages that are suitable for children:


The MIT Media Lab developed the block-based programming language. It is designed to teach children aged 8 to 16 how to code by using visual blocks to represent code.

Scratch is an excellent choice for kids who are new to coding, as it allows them to create games, animations, and interactive stories.


This is another block-based programming language that is similar to Scratch. It is suitable for children aged 8 and above and is used to create games and other interactive projects.

Blockly is often used as a stepping stone to more advanced programming languages like Python.


is a text-based programming language that is suitable for children aged 12 and above. It is a popular language used in schools and universities, and there are many resources available to teach kids how to code in Python.

Python is a versatile language that can be used to create games, web applications, and scientific simulations.


A very popular programming language in the web development world. JavaScript is a text-based programming language that is suitable for children aged 12 and above.

It is used to create interactive websites, games, and web applications. JavaScript is a popular language in the tech industry and is an excellent choice for kids who are interested in web development.


Swift is a text-based programming language developed by Apple. It is used to create iOS and macOS apps and is suitable for children aged 12 and above.

Swift is an excellent choice for kids who are interested in app development and want to create their own apps for the iPhone or iPad.

There are several programming languages available that are suitable for kids, including Scratch, Blockly, Python, JavaScript, and Swift.

Parents and teachers should consider the age and skill level of the child when selecting a programming language, as well as their interests and goals for learning to code.

Tools And Resources For Learning Coding For Kids

Learning to code can be an exciting and engaging experience for kids, but it can be challenging to know where to start.

Fortunately, there are many tools and resources available that can help kids learn to code. Here are some of the best tools and resources for learning coding for kids:

1. Online Learning Platforms

There are many online learning platforms available that provide interactive and engaging courses on coding for kids. Platforms like, Scratch, and Khan Academy offer free resources and tutorials on coding and computer science.

2. Coding Apps

Coding apps are another excellent tool for kids who want to learn to code. Apps like ScratchJr, CodeSpark Academy, and Tynker provide a fun and interactive way for kids to learn coding on their own.

3. Robotics Kits

Robotics kits are another great resource for kids who are interested in coding. Kits like LEGO Mindstorms and Sphero provide a hands-on approach to learning coding and allow kids to build and program their robots.

4. Coding Games

Coding games are a fun way for kids to learn coding while playing games. Games like CodeCombat and Lightbot provide challenges that teach coding concepts in a fun and engaging way.

5. Coding Clubs and Workshops

Coding clubs and workshops provide a social and collaborative learning environment for kids who are interested in coding. These programs offer hands-on experience and allow kids to work with peers and mentors to build projects and learn new skills.

6. YouTube Tutorials

YouTube has many tutorials and videos available on coding and computer science. Channels like CS50 and Khan Academy offer high-quality coding and computer science educational content.

Tips For Parents And Teachers To Help Kids Learn Coding

Learning to code is a valuable skill that can help kids develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. Here are some tips for parents and teachers to help kids learn coding:

1. Start with the basics

It’s essential to start with the basics when teaching kids to code.

Parents and teachers should focus on teaching the fundamental concepts of coding, such as loops, conditionals, and variables, before moving on to more advanced topics.

2. Use interactive and engaging resources

Interactive and engaging resources can help keep kids interested in learning to code. Parents and teachers can use resources like coding apps, games, and online platforms to make learning to code fun and engaging.

3. Encourage experimentation

Encouraging kids to experiment with coding can help them develop their problem-solving skills. Parents and teachers should encourage kids to try new things and make mistakes as they learn to code.

4. Set achievable goals

Setting achievable goals can help kids stay motivated and engaged in learning to code. Parents and teachers should work with kids to set goals that are challenging but achievable.

5. Provide support and feedback

Providing support and feedback can help kids stay on track as they learn to code. Parents and teachers should be available to answer questions and provide feedback on kids’ coding projects.

6. Celebrate progress

Celebrating progress can help kids stay motivated and engaged in learning to code. Parents and teachers should celebrate kids’ achievements and progress, whether it’s completing a project or mastering a new coding concept.

7. Make connections to the real world

Making connections to the real world can help kids see the relevance and importance of coding. Parents and teachers can show kids how coding is used in everyday life, from creating apps and websites to controlling robots and drones.

Teaching kids to code can be a rewarding experience for parents and teachers. By following these tips, parents and teachers can help kids develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the digital age.


Most times individuals want to know how hard is it to learn coding. This question does not come just to know, but out of fear of what they have heard about coding. Are you one of them? With what we have dished out you will figure out the programming language to enroll your child of 6 or 7.

One of the interesting things about coding for kids is that they have a drag-and-drop game-like coding to make it fun for them as they are learning.

However, core coding or programming is not as easy as programming languages for kids. But by the time your kids cross this stage the core programming will be easy for them.

How hard is it to learn coding for kids?

Coding is not too hard to learn for kids. Even for children, coding is not as difficult as it is thought to be. This is due to the simple programming languages made for kids to familiarize themselves with.

How hard is it to learn coding from scratch?

Coding is not that too difficult to learn, however, at first it could appear difficult. The initial stages of learning something new might be difficult. With practice, persistence, and patience, coding becomes simpler. If you’re thinking about learning to code, it’s simple to get caught up in the challenge.



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