10 Ways on How Coding Can Help Kids In Problem Solving Skills

Children across all age groups run into problems. Parents, family members, and educators can try to help children solve their problems either directly or by teaching them to solve them on their own. We have analyzed some ways on how coding can help kids with problem-solving skills.

While many parents or caregivers may jump at the first opportunity to assist their children when they encounter a problem, teaching them how to solve problems on their own from an early age would be a more long-term and effective approach.

In this blog post, we have well-detailed resources for you in case you wish to learn more on the above topic.

First, let us look at some of the basics before going to the matter of the day.

What is Coding?

Coding is the act of programming a set of code instructions to the computer using a programming language to perform a task. So, we have a lot of programming languages for different problems in web development, data analysis, App development, Software development, Robotics, etc.

See also: The 8 Importance of Teaching Kids to Code in 2024 | 5 Years and  Above

Coding as A Problem-Solving Skills For Kids

Problem-solving for kids as a skill feels like something we learn eventually. It feels like an ‘on-the-job’ skill that all of us learn while going through life.

But would we handle things differently if taught problem-solving at a young age? There are several ways in which you can help kids learn how to solve problems in different aspects of their lives.

Let’s look into some interesting ways to teach kids coding problem-solving.

5 Ways to teach kids coding problem-solving

#1. Let’s make mistakes

It is important for kids to make mistakes to learn what works for them and what doesn’t. Making mistakes encourages them to keep experimenting with their problems. 

#2. Creative Play

Creativity encourages coding problem-solving skills. It helps kids look at a problem from different perspectives. This in turn encourages creativity with problem-solving. 

#3. Proportional roadblocks

As a parent, you can build occasional reasonable roadblocks in their experience. This will help them solve problems for which they can ask for help while you are not taken aback by the problem.

#4. Provide potential solutions

When kids are trying to solve problems, you can try and show them potential solutions. These choices help them analyze the problem from different angles and come to a conclusion. 

#5. Engage in Do-It-Yourself problem-solving

Help your kids engage in DIY projects which require them to solve problems. Some examples can be jigsaw puzzles, riddles, and more. 

Some other ways can be cultivating a problem-solving-rich culture at home, helping kids experience failures, teaching them basic problem-solving steps, and asking your kids for help regularly at home.

These options will help them learn problem-solving for kids on a regular basis.

10 Ways on How Coding Can Help Kids In Problem-Solving Skills

Teaching children problem-solving skills right from an early age is significant in their growth and development.

It will not only help children with their academic success but will also help them boost their confidence.

Problem-solving skills and coding go hand in hand. So, read on to know how coding can help kids in problem solving skills.

#1. Coding Encourages Children to Plan Ahead

Planning is the first step to executing any idea with code, as children need to foresee problems that they might run into during a certain project. Proper planning will enable them to anticipate issues and devise potential solutions to predictable problems.

When faced with a coding challenge or a real-world problem, children must plan their approach because planning is an essential part of the problem-solving process.

Children learn to figure out what their goals are, where they are starting from, or where they are currently at, so when they have a plan, they can brainstorm ideas for potential solutions and determine the best solution with the least negative consequences.

See also: Top 15 Best Computer Programming Schools For Kids in Nigeria in 2024

#2. Coding Teaches Factoring

The second step after planning a solution is factoring or decomposition. In order to write any code effectively, children need to read instructions and learn several steps.

Factoring, or decomposition in computer science, is the breaking of a complex problem into parts that are easier to conceive, understand, program, and maintain.

The ability to compose their thoughts and apply the information they have read is critical as it plays a significant role in learning problem-solving.

It is similar to many toys like building blocks, robots, or Lego sets. These toys come with instruction manuals where a complicated building process has been broken down into several simpler steps for your child to build on their own.

It is important to understand how these small steps have to be taken one at a time to build the larger game. 

This is similar to coding, as it is important for children to decompose a process into smaller steps for a computer to understand.

When children learn decomposition, they will be able to eventually build more and more complicated projects, including their own videos, games, or other complex computer programs.

Decomposition is a crucial skill not only in coding but in the real world as well. From something as simple as building their own toys to writing essays or solving complicated math problems.

Children would benefit from the improved ability to break down tasks into smaller manageable chunks that can be addressed in a much less overwhelming manner.  

#3. Coding Builds Iterative Testing Skills

In coding, iterative refers to a sequence of instructions or code being repeated until a specific end result is achieved through repeated review and testing.

This process of testing every step instead of when the final project is completed allows mistakes to be caught earlier in the process.

While coding, children need to test their codes frequently, and this repeated testing enhances the problem-solving skills for kids to a great extent.

As children become more proficient in their coding, they may improve the process by applying their critical thinking skills to design tests that help them learn more effectively.

Similar to factoring, iterative testing is applicable beyond just coding since many goals in life take multiple efforts, continuous work, and a long time to achieve, and you cannot wait until the end to see whether you are making progress.

#4. Coding Teaches Debugging

Once Children have tested a code, if the test fails, they will have to debug their project. The process of trying to fix the bugs or the problems that code has incurred is called debugging.

Figuring out what is wrong when something is wrong is incredibly important in coding, as it is in any kind of problem-solving.

A well-planned and well-tested design makes it easy to spot bugs when they occur. With a good understanding of algorithms and their component parts, children can determine when the bug has occurred.

This will help children figure out how to arrive at the core of any problem and determine what possible solutions can be applied.

When children learn to debug software, the real-world applications are endless, as are the real-time problem-solving skills that they develop.

See also: Top 10 Benefits of Coding and Robotics Education for Kids in 2024

#5. Coding Boosts Creativity

Coding allows children to create new and unique applications, helping establish a platform for children to channel their creative potential. Many kids start learning to code by writing games or animating graphics, for example.

Such intellectual prowess encourages the child to solve some of the problems bothering the child.

Some of the world’s top game companies, such as Code Masters, were founded by pioneers who began coding at a young age. Coding encourages children to employ unconventional and out–of–the–box thinking, improving their problem-solving skills.

#6. Coding helps kids learn to learn

Generally, when children learn in a classroom, there is a teacher who teaches a particular subject. With coding, children are able to experiment and learn themselves.

Experimenting with code allows children to understand that sometimes the answers are not always simple, and sometimes there is more than one answer to a particular problem.

A great benefit of learning to code teaches children that it is ok if their answer is different from someone else’s. It teaches them to learn how to learn and this is important all through life.

#7. Coding improves students’ math skills

Math skills are necessary when learning to code. This doesn’t mean that students need to be math geniuses to learn computer programming. It just means that as they learn to code, they will pick up the skills needed to solve math problems along the way.

Learning through having fun is the best way to learn, and yes, coding is fun! While coding, children won’t realize the skills they are gaining.

Coding requires solving real problems, not doing a worksheet full of math equations so they gain real experience which in turn then helps them to improve their math skills.

#8. Coding helps kids find help & Communication 

While learning how to code, test, and debug, kids learn how to ask for help when needed. They learn how to communicate. An essential part of problem-solving is giving feedback and taking criticism every now and then. 

#9. Coding teaches kids to learn how to find help on their own

In the 21st century, help is always at your fingertips — you just need to know how to look for it! This is certainly not just a coding skill, as even unplugged activities can benefit from improved research skills.

Learning how to find help will be beneficial whether your student is looking to solve a specific problem or better understand programming concepts, game design, and other new skills.

The real-world applications of this ability are endless — few if any career fields don’t benefit from enhanced web search skills.

See also: Top 10 Best kids Coding Languages to Learn in 2024

#10. Coding can Help Children to Combat Distress

In recent years, coding and computer literacy have become recognized as essential parts of childhood education, even replacing the teaching of a second language for many young learners.

However, one often overlooked benefit of coding may be the ability to teach children about coping with distress through problem-solving, creativity, and computational thinking.

Moreover, computing projects can provide a structure that allows children to foster persistence, collaboration, and communication.


Indeed, coding can help kids in Problem solving skills. However, problem-solving skills not only help children to score good marks but will benefit them in managing everyday life.

Coding has the power to transform children into logical thinkers. Therefore parents should provide opportunities for their children to learn coding which can be beneficial in enhancing their problem-solving skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can Coding Help Kids In Problem-Solving Skills?

Coding can help kids in problem-solving skills because coding encourages children to plan and engage in decomposition which is breaking down things into the simplest form for better understanding.

How can coding help my kids in academics?

Coding helps your kids with learning the basics of mathematics, science, engineering, arts, and technology during the systematic process of programming.

Is coding hard to learn?

No, coding is not hard to learn. However, coding demands time and focus to be able to produce great results efficiently.

How long does it take to learn coding?

Learning coding can take you up from 3 – 6 months. But enrolling in a college for a degree in programming will take you at least 3-4 years.

At what age should my child start to learn coding?

From the age of 5 and above your child should understand the basics of coding.

Where can I enroll my kids to learn coding?

You can enroll your kids at CodeAnt for coding classes. CodeAnt is the best coding and robotics school for kids in southeastern Nigeria.

How much does it cost to learn coding?

The amount can range from 20,000 – to 100,000 naira depending on the school and its packages.



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