The Role Of Robotics In Environmental Sustainability: A Kids’ Perspective

In our world today it seems like the kids are different from ours because they have different approaches to things they see, and understand. They also interact with things differently from the way we do. The same goes for kids in the tech world today, where kids see robotics differently in the environment. So in this blog, we are going to see the role of robotics in environmental sustainability from the kids’ perspective.

In the environment today, kids see robots as another type of human that is so intelligent, and the interesting fact about kids is that they want to be with robots rather than humans because they see them to be more friendly.

Children today have access to a wide variety of programs. Everyone can find something to enjoy. Kids have the chance to explore a range of topics to find their expertise, from the arts and music to science and math.

To know the kind of robot to get for your kids, you need to understand what they see robots as and also understand the role they think the robot plays in their environment.

Staying around kids a lot, I have heard them talk about robotics and we have also had conversations about robotics.

So here in this blog, we are going to see the role robotics plays in environmental sustainability.

What is Robotics?

According to Merriam-Webster, robotics is technology dealing with the design, construction, and operation of robots in automation.

It is the study and design of robots, which are machines that can be programmed to perform a variety of tasks autonomously or under remote control.

Robotics involves a wide range of fields, including electronics, mechanical engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence.

The importance of robotics in developing STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) skills in kids cannot be overstated.

Robotics education helps children develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and creative thinking skills. It also provides them with a hands-on, experiential learning environment that allows them to apply the concepts they learn in the classroom to real-world situations.

See also: Top 10 Benefits of Coding and Robotics Education for Kids in 2024

What is a Robot?

Robots are mechanical devices that are programmed to carry out instructions. The robot has a handler, sensors that allow it to understand its surroundings, and motors and actuators that allow it to move its limbs or wheels.

According to instructions, it can speak, make various noises, or flashlights and colors in response to the surroundings. Robots must be able to follow preprogrammed commands in addition to being commanded remotely.

Robot programming is a modern human science. The procedures involved in designing, manufacturing, operating, and applying robots as well as using sensor signals to react or fuse computer systems for programming and control are all part of how to program robots.

Humans have so far replaced human strength in hazardous and toxic situations as well as tasks that require human labor with robot technologies.

Robots are the first option when humans can’t do a hard task.

Scientists use inspiration from animals, plants, and people to develop the best robots for life.

The Need For Kids To Be Involved In Robotics

Robotics has been dominated by youths and adults over the years. But in recent times, there has been an increase in the rise of kids’ participation. So, below are some of the needs for kids to play a part in the role of robotics.

Kids who study robotics also learn and comprehend coding

Children learn the fundamentals of computing and its uses through the study of robotics. Children construct real robots through robotics, learning on their own what can work and what cannot.

They also learn how to create precise directions that a robot can follow.

Additionally, one of the scoopable fields that will give many people future employment possibilities in programming/coding.

Kids can use technology to address issue-based space and learn how the real world works.

See also: Top 6 Benefits of Robotics for Kids with Disabilities

Robotics helps kids in their education, especially in practical and calculative subjects

Children can effectively learn many science and math concepts through robotics.

Robotics provides an engaging, practical learning experience that might capture a child’s mind unlike anything else.

Many children have successfully increased their conceptual knowledge of science topics by 57% after using robotics in their educational programs, this was also seen according to a Nanyang Technological University study (Review on the use of Robots in Educational and Young Children).

Robotics helps them to learn and develop themselves with 21st-century skill in technology

Children’s development of 21st-century abilities is significantly aided by robotics.

Additionally, robotics is the topic where it has the greatest potential to influence how engineering is thought of at all academic levels, from kindergarten to graduate school.

A method for kids to become technologically literate is through robotics. Additionally, the inquiry-based learning approach aids in their understanding of mathematical and scientific concepts.

Numerous studies have also shown that one of the main benefits of teaching robotics to children is that it can aid in the development of crucial scholastic skills.

Writing, reading, investigation, creativity, teamwork, critical thinking, decision-making, problem-solving, and communication are a few examples.

Additionally exposing them to science, math, geography, biology, electronics, and mechanical engineering material.

Robotics helps kids to explore and try new things

Kids are inspired to attempt new things through robotics

Practically speaking, robotics offers hands-on expertise. Since children learn best by doing, robotics allows them to design and build their robots, which can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

They find new ways to apply their knowledge when they try out novel concepts. Additionally, because they typically have to work in teams to complete their tasks, it also aids in the development of social skills.

Robotics can also provide a safe, controlled environment where children can explore and take risks without being concerned about the outcomes. They might be encouraged to try new things by this, even though they might not always be effective. In general, using robots can help educate children to accept and value failure.

See also: Best 10 Coding Projects For Kids To Try At Home

Robotics is a confidence-boosting tool

The benefit of teaching your kids robotics is that it gives them a feeling of accomplishment and pride. Particularly if they are successful in developing their projects and having them operate in the real world. Early robotics education will be more beneficial for boosting a child’s self-confidence.

This inspires students to recognize their abilities and have confidence in their skills. They also achieve a great deal by participating in robotics contests and the Olympics. Through numerous designs and testing various iterations, robotics develops tenacity, patience, and determination. Your child will feel more confident about competing if they are practicing for a tournament.

The Role Of Robotics In Environmental Sustainability From A Kids’ Perspective

the role of robotics in kids

#1. Robotics as a playing tool/ playing environment

Kids can play with technology while moving around and exploring, as well as creating games and tales.

They see it as fun, it makes them lively, a kid once told me that robotics makes him happy, like their toys. generally, this is what they think because it brings out that child-like character in them.

#2. Robotics help to build their thinking capacity

Robotics help in developing their reasoning through coding

Children use code to build algorithms and their ability to sequentially think, two skills essential for reading and mathematics.

E.g. building blocks this happens in coding and you see kids think out so many things they build, one day one of the kids living next to my door was building things using building blocks, I was amazed so I said Desmond I love what you built using these block, I was shocked about his response he said, “ma’am I enjoy doing these because it helps boost my reasoning and also makes me smart.”

#3. Robotics as Educative

They see this as a big role because it helps to understand some subjects better, like Mathematics, Physics, Quantitative reasoning, etc.

Robotics is hands-on which makes it practical and experiential for them instead of being difficult, they become more excited to learn.

They get to see learning to be fun and impactful not just for their now but their tomorrow.

See also: What Is STEAM Education? And Why It Is Important For Kids

#4. Robotics as a skill-exploring tool

Children are more apt to build things when they are younger. They want to attempt more hands-on experiences once they have a solid understanding of robotics theory.

Providing circuit connections, putting the pieces together, working with different tools and small components to properly fit them, etc.

Since they must use their hands to manage small parts and components when building and assembling robots. Children can also develop motor skills through this activity and other skills.

#5. Robotics as a problem solver

Children learn problem-solving and building skills through kid-friendly robotics.

Working through various problems in robotics classes teaches kids how to handle problems.

They also learn the fundamentals of engineering, which is the design and construction of a solution to an issue, this helps in carrying out tasks.

These abilities will be highly valued in the workplace of the future.

#6. Robotics as an engaging tool

The nature of robotics is mainly hands-on and it has to do with thinking and reasoning, it is a mental activity that needs full concentration and is crucial to learning because it helps kids understand how things function this makes it engaging.

Children may find it challenging to comprehend the vague nature of programming; this is where learning about robots can be helpful!

Students learn important programming principles while having a lot of fun thanks to the hands-on nature of robotics programs.


The new literacy skill “robotics” which our kids are now exposed to have seen a concrete role in environmental sustainability. The role of robotics generally can never be much said.

Kids can gain the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in an increasingly digital world by participating in robotics.

Additionally, it can assist them in realizing the potential of technology in problem-solving and enhancing their environment.

Robotics helps kids cultivate a love of learning and a curiosity about the world by offering a fun and interesting method to learn about these subjects and see the benefit from this for the rest of their lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Robotics for kids?

Robotics for kids refers to any certain learning approach or activity that teaches kids how to build robots and the effect of robotics on their education and career.

How can robotics help kids learn science and engineering?

Robotics can help kids understand science and engineering through the coding projects they carry out when building and designing a robot. This would open their creative and computational thinking in the process of building the robot.

What are the ways robotics can help kids develop creative thinking?

Robotics has proven to be a great approach to helping kids develop creative thinking skills. It enables kids to create new ideas regarding the construction, programming, and use of robots. kids then attempt to use similar concentration, control, inventiveness, and efficiency in their real life!



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